Faith Lutheran College student Christopher Pickett had the unique opportunity to experience the life of an MP after working alongside Member for Light, Tony Piccolo, and his electoral staff this week.

Mr Piccolo said Christopher has impressed both himself and staff during his time in the office and is looking forward to seeing him continue to make significant progress in whatever career path he chooses.

“Christopher has shown a remarkable ability to absorb new information and a high-level of skill, while also contributing to our office’s work – he’s got a bright future ahead,” Mr Piccolo said.

“This isn’t the first time we’ve had a student from Faith Lutheran College, and I can say their students’ exceptional work ethic and manner are a true testament to the school’s dedication to preparing them for the challenges and opportunities of the real world.”

“It’s great to see schools continuing to provide hands-on experience, giving young individuals a chance to figure out what career they want to pursue and develop their professional skills.”

Hailing from Springton, Christopher is aspiring to a career in politics or law and said he chose to work in Mr Piccolo’s office after the positive interactions and high praise the MP received within the school.

During his work placement, the Year 10 student undertook a Tour of Parliament with peers from Mark Oliphant College and engaged with guest speakers about complex topics such as solving wicked problems and the workings of a democracy.

In the Light electorate office, Christopher was immersed in the day-to-day operations, from addressing and understanding issues and inquiries from residents to mastering office organisation, reporting, and record-keeping.

Christopher was intrigued to see what Mr Piccolo and his team get up to outside of the public light and said the experience has been eye-opening.

“I expected there to be a lot of fancy meetings and photo opportunities, but there is also plenty of hard work behind the scenes to ensure concerns brought to the office are actioned and resolved,” Christopher said.

“That being said, I really enjoyed my time here and have a lot of things to show my friends when I’m back at school next week.”

Christopher also contributed to the local community during his time, designing advertising for the Sunflower Project event coming to Gawler and Tanunda on Friday, 12 July.