
Light Electorate Office
148 Murray Street
GAWLER  SA  5118

Monday to Friday
9:00 am to 5:00pm



Tony responds to parliamentary bills effecting Light.

Parliamentary Bills

Since being elected to office in 2006, Tony has been busy representing the people of Light in Parliament. See below to download a few choice bills.

Giving Farmer's a Voice on Planning Issues
May 5, 2021
Tony Piccolo has introduced legislation into State Parliament to give farmers and rural landowners a stronger voice on planning decisions made by the SA Planning Commission. Mr Piccolo’s Bill is based on feedback from broad acre farmers in the Barossa Valley in the context of the confusion and anxiety created by the botched introduction of the Planning and Design Code by the Marshall Liberal Government.
Barossa Rail Corridor Protection Bill
February 17, 2021
Tony Piccolo introduced a law into State Parliament to protect the Barossa Rail Track and corridor from been dug up further to help keep the dream of the return of a tourist train alive.
Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Restricted Development) Amendment Bill – Introduction and First Reading
May 13, 2020
Local Government (Public Health Emergency) (Rate Relief) Amendment Bill
May 13, 2020
State Budget Overview 2016-17
July 7, 2016
Local Government (Rate Increases) Amendment Bill (Second Reading)
May 26, 2016
Retirement Villages Bill
May 24, 2016
Supply Bill 2016
April 14, 2016
Uluru Statement