A book chronicling the military service biographies of volunteers the Wasleys and District who served in World War I was officially launched today.

The book titled, Their Duty Done, was launched by the author Wasleys resident, Mr Daryl Barker. There are 76 men and women who enlisted to serve during World War One who are recognised on the Wasleys Honour Roll. Their Duty Done was published by the Wasleys Community Group with a grant from the SA Department of Veteran’s Affairs.

This is the first book Darryl has written and came about because of his love of Australian Military History. Gawler resident, Mr Rob Richter provided a personal glimpse into one of the servicemen featured in the book. His grandfather, Corporal Henry Thomas Mackereth of the 9th Light Horse Regiment, is featured in the book.

“As a kid, I can distinctly remember spending a lot of time in the cow shed with Grandad talking about all sorts of things, except the War” said Mr Richter.

“Grandad was a loveable guy and I think he looked at signing up as a bit of an adventure; but he never mentioned the war until he was in his dotage”.

“Grandad’s horse was an ex steeplechaser named Bobs and he said he could always rely on his horse to clear anything”.

“This book brings the names to life for this generation” Mr Richter said. Local Member Tony Piccolo helped the Wasleys Community Group source funding to cover the printing costs.

Mr Piccolo said the book will help the community gain a better understanding of the history of their town and its people and provides background to their service and sacrifice.

“Children can learn about their family’s involvement in WW I and understand their family’s history.” he said.

“Mr Barker has put their chronicles together in a way that will keep your interest until the last story is told,” said Mr Piccolo.

“I have kept their stories as true as possible and didn’t ignore some of the less glamorous information,” said Mr Barker.

“Some servicemen did die from venereal disease; they were a long way from home and I don’t think any of us can criticise people unless they have been there and lived their lives,” added Mr Barker.

The 209-page book is priced at $25 plus postage as necessary. To order a copy either email wasleyscommunitygroupinc@gmail.com or they are available to purchase at the Wasleys Post Office or Tony Piccolo’s Light Electorate Office.