The long-awaited installation of new play equipment at Hewett in the reserve area south of Rosella Circuit has been completed and is a real winner with local children.

Responding to an identified need for the growing community, the installation of play equipment by Light Regional Council has been made possible through generous assistance from the State Government via local member Tony Piccolo MP. Play equipment installed provides a range of play activities for children ranging from toddlers through to those of priMary school age.

Mr Piccolo said the playground is well suited to the site being within walking distance of the PriMary School, Child Care Centre and Hewett Centre, adjacent to the recently upgraded Shared Use Path along the North Para River.

“The playground delivers on a commitment the State Government made at the 2014 election to make the places we live in more liveable and promote healthier lifestyles,” Mr Piccolo said.

“The State Government grant of $125,000 has enabled the playground to be built in a community that has a significant number of families with young children”

“Its location near the shared path makes it very accessible for families, and the setting is very attractive” Light Regional council Mayor, Bill O’Brien said council is excited to be able to provide this welcome addition to the facilities at Hewett and is sure that these will be well received by the young families of this vibrant community.

“On behalf of Council I thank the State Government, through local Member for Light, Tony Piccolo, for continuing its support for young families in our region,” Mayor Bill O’Brien said.