Can you believe it? Its 2016 and Christmas is here already!

Can you believe it?

The Kids are almost finished school for another year. The shops are pulling down Halloween paraphernalia and will be pushing the Christmas sales on us real soon, if not already. Christmas will keep our economy going one more year and employ many people in the retail industry and that’s all good. People need jobs!!!! Paradoxically on the darker side Christmas Sales put pressure to buy that “Special Gift” which will also put many families in debt or make others feel as though they have failed because they couldn’t afford the latest and the greatest this year.

Instead of Christmas sales I would like you to consider what Christmas is. The heart of the celebration of Christmas is not the tree or lights or presents. Rather Christmas is the celebration of the birth of a human child. Jesus, son of Joseph and Mary, born in Bethlehem and laid to sleep in a feeding trough. This Jesus whose birth we traditionally celebrate on the 25th of December grew to manhood calling for us all to love and care for our neighbour.

He taught us that it is our relationship with our neighbour that reveals our inner being. When we live out of love for each other we will be tolerant in our actions, gracious in our judgements and forgiving in our relationships. The basis of Peace on Earth.

The opposite is… His message of hope “if everyone would/could live in love it would usher in a whole new way of living on earth for humanity and the rest of creation”. His ultimate invitation was “to surrender our ego, selfishness and pride and give ourselves away”.

And while that may sound like the Easter focus it is actually the heart of Christmas. It is the celebration of the birth of a person who taught/compelled/urged us to love each other. Love in the sense of putting others first not just obtaining or having the things we want, like or desire for ourselves. Jesus message of God’s love for everyone, no matter “if naughty or nice” has been replaced with a season of pressure, gluttony, relational pain and a rejection of anything Christian.

‘Happy Holidays’ so we can be politically correct despite historical accuracy and hope for the future.

Regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion, Jesus’ original urging for us to love one another still stands and has the potential to bring us back to “Peace on earth and good will to all”.

I invite you to spend some time this year learning about, or understanding the true meaning of our Christ-Mas Message by attending a Church service to acknowledge Jesus’ birth on the 25th.

To become aware of those around you; sharing in their lives as you share your own with them. Why not share a smile with the retail attendants as you purchase your presents, food and Decorations this year and share the love.

You might like to also consider a Christmas gift of giving your loved one a toilet, cow, well or maybe even a whole farm. Many Global charities provide families, villages or towns in less developed countries with many basic needs that we take for granted that you can purchase and give (the certificate) as a gift.

Merry Christmas!! Rev. Scott Combridge

Hewett Community Church of Christ