The Special Class program at Gawler and District College will be expanded from 2018 to include junior primary and primary school children.

Local Member of Parliament Mr. Tony Piccolo has welcomed the announcement as the additional places help local families with children who have a learning disability.“The additional places mean that some more Gawler families will be able to send their children to a local school rather than sending them to schools located out of the area. “said Mr. Piccolo.In addition to the additional places, Gawler and District College Special Class Unit will receive a major upgrade to accommodate the new places.

The Gawler and District College announcement is part of a $10 million State Government Strategy to support families whose children are recommended to attend a special education option.Mr. Piccolo said the new investment in special education will result in children with a learning disability being supported to access the most appropriate education pathway for their circumstances in a location closest to where they live. “The state Government has recognised there is a demand for special education options placements, and this investment will help schools to increase the number of special options pathways that are available to children and young people in their local area,” said Mr. Piccolo. “These pathways will provide more opportunities for early intervention, and will help schools provide quality support and specialised education to children and young people with a disability.”Twenty-five additional special options pathways will be established in schools and preschools across the state and will provide over 250 additional places for children and young people with a disability.While most sites will have their services up and running by the start of term 1, 2017 because the Gawler and District Special Class Unit will undergo a major upgrade, the new places will be available from 2018.

Mr. Piccolo said Gawler and District College has been allocated the additional places following extensive consultations that were undertaken across the state to identify areas of high demand and where special options pathways could be improved. Placement in a special option will be dependent on available vacancies and student priority and schools will communicate placement offers to families during the 2017 school year.