The Minister for Education, the Hon Susan Close MP, officially opened the Adelaide North Special School (ANSS) last week. Ms Close paid tribute to all those who had been involved in the design and construction of the new school which is located adjacent to Mark Oliphant College. The $12.4 million facility is purpose built for students living with disability and was formerly located at Elizabeth. School Principal, Mr Byron Stutt said, “as an extremely proud Principal of Adelaide North Special School it has been my privilege to be involved in the collaborative work that has led to building of the new school.” “We have a specialist educational facility that we showcase to fellow educators and it’s here in the Northern suburbs of Adelaide,” said Mr Stuut. “ANSS is more than a building. The feedback I receive on a regular basis and I never tire of hearing it, is how welcoming and genuinely happy our staff and students are.” “We constantly strive to be the best educational service for students living with disability.” “I am in awe of my staff; they are committed, talented and driven for our students to achieve without limitations.” Mr Stuut thanked families and carers for entrusting the school with their beautiful children. Mr Piccolo said the new school not only showcased the best in facilities but also an educational program that gives young people the opportunity to be the best they can. “The school promotes young people managing their own lives as much as they can,” said Mr Piccolo. “The school philosophy encourages students to confidently use at least one form of communication, learn to make choices and persevere with and extending their learning. “Importantly, the school seeks to develop the whole child but providing opportunities for physical and social development. Mr Stuut ended his speech by thanking all those involved.